Simonini's complete 100cc engine. It's all there; engine, side intake, cdi, crazy flywheel, 21mm carb, pipe...

Now I just need to figure out how its going to fit in my ciao.......
I'd like to do it differently than others have documented before. The issue is one side of the fins.

As you can see the right side of the fins extend past the engine mount while the left stays pretty symmetrical. Rufus cut the fins and installed extra fans to help with cooling. Pink ciao from Europe created an extra area on the frame for the fins to fit.
Not sure what direction I'll be going, but I really don't want to chop those fins if I can avoid it as I'm pretty sure they're detrimental to cooling this thing. Vespa engines are traditionally air cooled and have fan blades on their flywheels, this flywheel is flat and round like a puch. I don't know how they expect it to cool properly...
woo woo woo! looks good man! i'm excited for you! now let's see that welding you did!